Seek the Lord always,
His arm is without length,
There is no number to His days.
"I am lost, O God,
My nature far to sinful,
The wilderness of Nod,
Is my habitation and rule."
"Why redeem a wretch like me,
Or hang for my sake upon a tree?
I cannot keep Thy perfect law,
It rubs and scrapes me 'till I'm raw."
"See my black heart,
Look upon my marked brow,
Stained with sin's dart,
Disfigured and proud."
"Smell my reeking breath,
Know my debase mind,
Transparent now awaiting death,
Neither first nor last of Adams kind."
"Though You can deliver,
Use in me in Your quiver,
Why spare this empty vessel,
Or take away my smell?"
Upon the dark ground,
I beat my breast sore,
Here at last I've found,
David's words of yore.
Psalms 44:15-16 "My dishonor is continually before me, and the shame of my face has covered me, because of the voice of him who reproaches and reviles, because of the enemy and the avenger."
I looked up to see,
A light of great brightness stream,
Upon my face, around me,
And I walked as in a dream.
The mountain I stood on,
So tall and full of woe,
Across the sky spread a red dawn.
As I stood and watched,
I wept tears of ice,
A wind blew, lightening flashed,
The world listened to the storm cries.
I could not stand straight,
My back doubled and bent,
While thunder boomed late,
'Till my strength was all spent.
"Where are You Lord?
I Know that You're there,
O give me a word,
Show me You are near!"
But the Lord was not wind,
He was not the storm,
They came to an end,
While I writhed like a worm.
I got up, it was noon,
The mountain was swept clean,
Naked, I felt that gone was sins rune,
On my head it was not seen.
Once more out upon the shore,
I bent my swollen eyes,
Hearing the waters rushing roar,
Knowing I had no disguise.
Suddenly the mountain trembled,
Rocks began to fall,
The red sky now had cooled,
Grey fog covered all.
The stoning broke my bones,
I felt each jar and pound,
The despair Satan readily loans,
Again place in my heart found.
"I cannot see You,"
My foaming lips screamed,
"What do You want me to do?"
And blood from my back streamed.
The mountain top, my glorious seat,
Began to crumble and break,
The earthquake happy to greet,
The rubble its forces did rake.
It all passed away,
And as broken on ruins I lay,
My spirit cried out,
And humbly did I shout.
"Just like the wind, Yahweh,
You are not the earthquake,
Continue to crush this hard clay,
Though this proud heart may ache."
Now it was late evening,
But I could not this time stand,
Above the stars wanted to sing,
I turned my head towards the sea and sand.
If I could only rest,
Have time to lick my wounds,
Then I would not be comfortless,
And find heart to sing old tunes.
But the Lord had other plans,
For my sanctification was not complete,
The full race I had not run,
But only lay with weary feet.
A scorching heat seared my flesh,
As the sun and planets burned,
God is the only witness,
To the lesson I then learned.
Or tree upon the earth,
Was left unburned by surging brass,
And now dust knew its worth.
My eyes melted under heat,
My stomach wretched up smoke,
The fire moved forward to a steady beat,
As I gasped and choked.
"You are not the flames God,
But now I understand,
You sent them as Your rod,
They chastise by Your hand."
The raging fire stopped,
As had my beating heart,
From the cliffs face I dropped,
Scorched and blackened dark.
I felt a mouth breath air,
Into my faltering lungs,
A tiny whispering voice was there,
By its small noise my heart was wrung.
I opened my mouth to sob,
"Are You there my God, My God,
My eyes are seared shut,
I cannot see, I am not worthy to see Thee."
I heard footsteps walking,
Away, then back again,
Salt water was sprinkled, cleaning,
My cuts, and I knew a friend.
"Look up and see,
I Am One Who cannot lie,
I have always been with thee."
I looked and saw morning light,
White gulls crying loud,
The air was tingling, heavenly bright,
My weary head I bowed.
Lamentations 3:22-23 "Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
I uttered Jeremiah's praise,
Not daring to look up,
Who can understand the Lords ways?
Seas boil, mountains erupt.
Isaiah 51:22 "See I have taken out of your hand the cup of trembling, the dregs of the cup of my fury, you shall no longer drink it."
"You are my son,
So I redeem you,
Look up and come,
You are cleansed and new."
"I have given you what cannot be shaken,
And taken away that which could,
You faith in Me will not be broken,
By and through Me all things are ruled."
"The Enemy would have you doubt,
That Serpent of old, Satan,
I have not let him cloud,
Your vision, now stand."
" Wind, earthquake, fire,
Lucifer in demonic attire,
My tools to break and build,
Exactly as I have willed."
Hebrews 12:5-6 "My son do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son He receives."
"My Lord I see,
But why save a wretch like me" ,
I broke forth with heaving sigh,
"Why not just let me die?"
"I have mercy on whom I will,
None are worthy not one,
All steal, covet, desire and kill,
None are worthy but the Son."
"Take a debt you cannot repay,
You are enslaved to sin no longer,
Behold the coming of a new day,
And the One whose righteousness you wear."
I raised my eyes heavenward,
Then towards the ocean spray and breeze,
I saw a Man, the Living Word,
Outlined upon the mighty seas.
"Once you were blind,
Your ears were deaf,
Now you will find,
Your pains have all left."
"For your soul that was lost,
And your heart that was dead,
I paid the dreadful cost,
And died in your stead,"
"But since you are mine,
I rooted out pride,
And after a long time,
To self you died."
"I died for you,
Now you live for me,
That I rose is true,
And I set you free."
"Take My hand, redeemed child,
You are weary and have cried,
Walk upon the waves so wild,
Only by Me will your tears be dried."
My shelter and my Savior,
Until my feet were at the oceans rim,
And I stepped in faith upon the water.
Without sinking my eyes straight ahead,
I ran and fell in His arms,
He lifted and fed me heavenly bread,
Free from the worlds alarms.
"Not with water but blood,
Did I you wounds tend,
Even a mighty worldwide flood,
Could not within thee cleanse."
"The Little voice, my Jesus,
Who did to me speak,
And comfort the comfortless,
Was it the Holy Spirit when I was weak?"
"Yes, We are a Holy Trinity,
Three in One, One in Three,
Now you shall arise and tell,
Who I Am, remember well."
"Only my blood of sacrifice,
Poured out freely for thee,
Could pay the awful price,
And at last set you free."
I awoke upon my bed,
Drenched with countless tears,
Springing up I said,
"Gone are all my fears."
"In there stead I find,
That which cannot be shaken,
For I am His and He is mine,
When I sleep and awaken."
Lauren East
Beautiful poem and pictures, Lauren! Thanks for your comment on Pearls and Diamonds...we'd be delighted for you to link to us! In fact, if you'd like a fancy picture link, send us an e-mail at pearlsanddiamondsblog [at] gmail [.] com and I'll pass you some HTML. Blessings! Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds
Thanks for the comment! I would love a picture link and will send you an email!
God Bless,
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