Monday, July 12, 2010

~Mod Modesty Monday, Boating Summer~

  ~So here we are, its Monday, and I'm finally getting my post published! if you've noticed some scarcity in posts the last couple days its because I'm vacationing on the Oregon Coast - and I'm staying in a house built in 1898. Lucky me, the house belongs to my grandmother :)
~I thought I'd call this post "boating summer" because this is definitely an outfit I'd wear boating... As it is I have been doing a lot of swimming! Globbing on the sunscreen too - I discovered years ago that I simply don't tan...

 ~Outside in my Grandmothers lovely flower gardens!
~I'm sorry I can't write and post more at the moment - I promise to be back with more soon! Think lions and tigers and bears, and strange vortex's, and rocky beaches, and swimming pools, yes, life has been wonderful and diverse lately! I'll also try to post some pictures of my grandma's darling little Victorian cottage when I get a chance!

~Hope everyone is having a beautiful summer!


Sereina said...

Beautiful dress and an adorable hat! Your grandmother's house sounds lovely!

Carys said...

Your dress is absolutely lovely, and your hat is so nice! Your hair looks so beautiful too, lovely pictures!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Lauren said...

Thank you!


À LA MODEST said...

This is definitely an outfit for boating from the hat to the shoes! Very lovely photo of the hat on the bike as well! I like taking photos of objects! Some people think I waste the camera's memory because I take object photos too much; although, I don't really show them on my blog.

I would like to see your grandmother's cottage!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I know i'm taking forever to post on this entry. I'm finally catching up with all the blogs!! I love the hat and the whole outfit. That house has such a beautiful yard and I love the little tricycle.

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