Me, reading Sir Walter Scott. Not an uncommon occupation these days - though unfortunately not always in such scenic settings! |
~I wasn't diagnosed with a mysterious illness, whisked off to Timbuktu on the dream undercover writing commission, or even abducted by aliens. Nothing that interesting. But I did start college rather suddenly - and that particular diagnosis does eat up an abnormally large amount of time!
~Though I won't have as much time to post as before, I hope that now I've got past the first hurdle I will be able to keep this blog somewhat updated! The focus may change somewhat, its always been a place for me to post about the things that I find interesting, and the thoughts that inspire me, so that will be the same. But be prepared for more "I wonder why there is a character named 'Starbuck' in Melville's 'Moby Dick', and does it have any connection to the coffee house of the same name?" sorts of thoughts, and less Etsy updates. *sniff. I do love Etsy so, but haven't the time to browse its wonderland-ish pages with as much vigor these days. Lists of "favorites" discovered at two in the morning under the undeniably strong effects of caffeine would be interesting to say the least!
Cheerio for tonight! Hopefully I'll have something more substantial up sooner than later!

Glad to hear from you, Lauren! I hope collage is going well for you.
I'm pretty sure Starbucks were named after the island...
Good luck with school!
Sereina - Thanks! I'm glad to be back!
Caitlin - I think you are right! Thanks for clearing up the mystery for me, I'll still probably think of white whales when I drive through Starbucks though, the powers of association! :)
I've been wondering how you've been and was thinking about you last week and was hoping you had made another blog entry when I finally caught up in my blog reading and saw this. Glad that the worst of the hiatus was that you were in college!
Hey Victoria! Yes, long time no "blogging" :) Things were pretty crazy for awhile - at first I didn't realize it was going to be such a long break or I would have posted something about it!
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